

    Hello everyone and thank you for joining me in my little corner of the internet. Through this blog, I intend to share with you my author process. I am presently in the developmental editing stage of my first novel. The tentative title of my book is Magic Behind the Gate. In my first post, I would like to share my source of inspiration for this Novel.

Back in 2016 my cousin and I vacationed in Varadero, Cuba for the first time. You may ask yourself why Cuba? Well, a good friend of mine decided to have her destination wedding in Cuba, and let me tell you I am happy she did. Cuba is incredibly beautiful we stayed at a 5-star all inclusive hotel, the beach was clean and the water a fantastic clear turquoise.  

After dinner on our first day in Cuba, we decided to get cocktail drinks and just relax. The main lobby was designed like an open-concept lounge area/piano bar. So we sat sipping our girly drinks, I think I actually had a tequila sunrise, listening to the music when a black cat casually strolled through the lobby. For those of you reading this who have been down south in the Caribbean, you know this is common. I can’t say why but, watching that black cat stroll through the lobby tail held high with confidence like it owned the place inspired me to take out my little notebook and start writing.

I was initially going to title my book Black cats and witches hats, and I had begun writing it as a teen novel but as the story progressed it began to transform and presented itself as a more mature piece.

The second source of inspiration for this story came visiting Havana, Cuba.  Havana is a city rich in history. In old Havana, there are lots of small free museums you could visit.  It’s worth visiting old Havana just to see the Spanish influenced the architecture of the city. If you are into Hemingways work than you know, he spent a lot of time in old Havana, the inspiration for some of his stories came from his stay in Cuba. There is also the museum of the revolution which houses examples of military equipment from the 1950s. My cousin and I had bought a day tour of Havana, it didn’t include visiting the interior of the museum, but we did walk the perimeter, and that in itself was fascinating.

My story is a mix between contemporary fantasy and time and space travel fantasy that involves mages and is set in modern-day Montreal and Cuba.

Till next time, live your happiest life.

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